
いままでの人生で一番美味しかったもの = 紅茶とトースト(高校生)。



「bundle」の語源 early 14c., "bound collection of things," from Middle Dutch bondel, diminutive of bond, from binden "to bind," or perhaps a merger of this word and Old English byndele "binding," from Proto-Germanic bund- (source also of G…

語源。「dictionary」の語源。 dic系かな。

「dictionary」の語源 A book containing either all or the principal words of a language, or words of one or more specified classes, arranged in a stated order, usually alphabetical, with definitions or explanations of their meanings and oth…


「confidential」の語源 1759, "indicating the confiding of a private intimacy," from Latin confidentia (see confidence) + -al (1). Sense of "intended to be treated as private" is from 1773; that of "enjoying the confidence of another" is fr…